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"Winning Client Trust explains exactly how to place the client at the heart of the financial services industry for the benefit of both businesses and customers".

Mike Harris, Chairman of Garlik and founder of three iconic brands - First Direct, Egg and Mercury One to One

“Chris is the man to watch through the significant changes ahead in financial advice & planning. He's looked forward into the future of the industry and found the path for delivering value, using cutting edge ideas and technology and getting rewarded. Those who burry their heads in the sand aren’t just avoiding looking at the threats, their missing the opportunity as well. Read Chris’s book for a whole new perspective and a clear way to make your move forward."

Daniel Priestley, Founder of Triumphant Events and best selling author of “Key Person of Influence”

"A brilliant book which is packed full of common sense. Winning Client Trust helps you turn your business the right way up by focusing you on strategies to really make a difference. Chris truly knows his stuff and you'll find loads of tried and tested and proven ideas inside."

Lee Gilbert, The Serious Players' Webmaster and author of ‘Turning Monkeys into Lemons’

“This book MUST be read by anyone with any involvement in marketing or selling more complex financial services products to consumers, or advising consumers about how to manage their long-term finances. Its comprehensive and deep analysis will help readers future-proof their companies, whether against market developments or regulatory attacks.”

Professor Merlin Stone DPhil, FCIM, Hon FIDM, Professor of marketing at Surrey European Management School and author of fourteen books on marketing and customer service.

“We welcome RDR, just as we welcome your work in pulling together this book.”

David Ferguson, Managing Director Nucleus Wrap.

“A must-read for any IFA wishing to position their business to compete in the post-RDR world. Full of insightful research and sound advice, Davies combines a deep understanding of implications that RDR presents the industry, with clear thinking on managing the change process for both clients and employees.”

Suresh Mistry Partner Korda and Partners consultancy and co-author of ‘Leading strategy execution’.

“KISS was an acronym coined by Kelly Johnson, lead engineer at the famous Lockheed Skunk Works. Whilst today it translates as 'Keep it simple stupid', the principle is best illustrated by the story of Johnson handing a team of design engineers a handful of tools, with the challenge that the jet aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic in the field under combat conditions with only these tools.

Hence, the 'stupid' refers to the relationship between the way things break and the sophistication available to fix them. Regulation should be more about foresight and less about hindsight. It should separate advice and product. This may be a simplistic view that is at least worth a discussion, but KISS seems a pretty relevant acronym to use for an RDR route map today. This book by Chris Davies addresses many of the challenges and fears both IFAs and the industry in general face and provides foresight to navigate through the perilous waters faced by all in the transition.

Derek Bradley CEO PanaceaIFA

“This book is the first to be published which takes a view of what the effects for UK consumers will be from implementation of the Retail Distribution Review. This Review will fundamentally alter the way in which financial advice is paid for and will engender massive change in the way that financial products and services are obtained. Some commentators have referred to it as the biggest reform in UK financial services for over a hundred years and its impending implementation is already changing the landscape for distribution of these products and services.

Advisory firms and financial services providers alike will need to undertake change programmes of a substantial scale if they are to survive and be relevant and valued in this new landscape. The book’s publication is therefore timely, studying as it does, through the lens of behavioural economics, the likely effects of the Review’s implementation. It is a valuable contribution to the debate on the future form of retail financial services and advice provision in this country.”

Malcolm Small Director of Policy Tax Incentivised Savings Association (TISA)

“Chris Davies has taken a long, hard look at the behaviours exhibited by both investors and advisors, coming up with sound advice for all stakeholders around the need to place clients at the center of any RDR adjustment strategy; and trust at the center of any client strategy.”

David Lambert CEO IOWEU International Training and Development

"Winning Client Trust" places the emphasis on the financial industry to embrace fundamental, systematic and necessary change to ensure clients needs are not only met but understood"

Justin Basini CEO and Founder ALLOW and author of "Why Should Anyone Buy from You?"